Please join us on Friday, January 31, at 3:00pm ET for the RIPB Community of Practice (CoP) presentation titled "We Want Your Input! Setting the stage for improving RIPB guidance in the Risk-informed, Performance-based Principles and Policy Committee (RP3C) Guidance Document" by Steve Krahn (RP3C Chair) & Brandon M. Chisholm (RP3C Vice Chair)
Desired Participants (aka Intended Audience): Anyone involved in, aware of, or interested in the development and/or application of RI, PB, and/or RIPB approaches/attributes
Abstract: As the calendar has been turned to a new year, the ANS RP3C is exploring potential improvements to its Guidance Document, "Incorporating Risk-Informed and Performance-Based Approaches/Attributes in ANS Standards" available at It is also important to recognize ANS Policy Statement (PS) #46, "Risk-Informed and Performance-Based Regulations for Nuclear Power Plants" as it forms a backdrop for the RP3C work. Given the vested interest and subject matter expertise of the CoP attendees, a conversation about key aspects to consider in the development and application of RIPB approaches seems like a valuable vehicle to gather input for future RP3C activities. This CoP session will start with a brief overview of the current state of the RP3C Guidance Document and the associated training, but will focus on an interactive discussion of organizations, efforts, individuals, and examples pertaining to efficient and effective implementation of RIPB approaches/attributes. Input gathered during this CoP session has the potential to shape future CoP sessions in 2025, as well as near-term efforts to improve ANS standards development activities (via the RP3C Guidance Document).
This CoP is considered part of the RIPB training activity under the RP3C. We are offering Professional Engineers (PEs) 1 PDH credit for joining the live CoP presentation. Those interested may send a request to me at for a certificate to be provided as verification. Each individual is fully responsible for maintaining their records. Requests for a certificate should be sent within a week of the CoP. Certificates will be issued within two weeks.
There is no registration for any CoP presentation, and all (members and nonmembers alike) are welcome to join. An .ics file is attached allowing you to download the event to your calendar. You may also find the details on the RP3C CoP public webpage at
Zoom meeting details are provided below:
When: Friday, January 31, 2025
Time: 3:00PM Eastern (roughly an hour long)
Zoom link to join:
Meeting ID: 869 9365 0991
Passcode: 414118
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What is a Community of Practice?
Communities of Practice (CoPs) are groups of professionals who share knowledge around a specific topic, craft, or profession. They can form organically or be directed. They can be physical, virtual, or combinations thereof.
Why are CoPs important?
CoPs are well established ways to support knowledge management and transfer. They are used frequently by organizations to help breakdown organizational barriers where information typically flows up and then down and across an organization. CoPs provide like-minded professionals an opportunity to share knowledge outside of the normal management and project process. CoPs enrich a professional's development and strengthen an organization's ability to manage knowledge effectively.
What is the purpose and scope of this CoP?
The purpose of this CoP is to support knowledge sharing of the development and application of risk-informed, performance-based (RIPB) principles and practices within the nuclear industry. This can include, but is not limited to, nuclear power reactors, research reactors, fuel cycle, and decommissioning. It can include U.S. domestic and international activities as well. The American Nuclear Society (ANS) supports this CoP by providing a virtual space and resources for collaboration. This CoP is formally sponsored and led by the ANS Risk-informed, Performance-based Principles and Policy Committee (RP3C).
Who can join this CoP?
Membership to this CoP is open to all professionals interested in RIPB principles and practices. The virtual site called RIPB Community of Practice is accessible to all. ANS Standards Committee members and ANS members simply access the site and choose to join the group to be included in discussions. Those new to ANS activities will be prompted to provide basic contact information for full access to the RIPB Community of Practice site. There is no fee to join.
Is this a physical or virtual CoP?
This CoP is virtual with monthly collaboration meetings typically held on the last Friday of every month for about an hour at 12 p.m. pacific/3 p.m. eastern. A meeting announcement with join details through Zoom will be sent out at least a week prior.